Reminder: Photo ID required for voting on 4 July in Somerset

By Laura Linham

17th Jun 2024 | General Election 2024

Time is running out to apply for free voter ID ahead of the general election on 4 July, with the application deadline set for 5pm on Wednesday, 26 June.

For the first time in a general election, Somerset voters will need to present photo ID at polling stations to receive their ballot papers. Those lacking any of the accepted forms of ID can apply for a Voter Authority Certificate online at or request a paper application form from Electoral Services at Somerset Council.

To apply, residents must be registered voters and will need to provide a date of birth, National Insurance number, and a suitable photograph.

Valid forms of ID include passports from the UK, European Economic Area, or Commonwealth countries; a UK or EEA driving licence; and specific types of concessionary travel passes, such as older person's bus passes or the Oyster 60+ card. Even expired IDs may be used if the photo still resembles the voter.

Duncan Sharkey, Acting Returning Officer for Somerset Council, urges residents: "As the deadline to apply for free ID quickly approaches, it's crucial that Somerset residents ensure they are ready to vote. If you need assistance with applying for free ID or require an application form, please contact the electoral services team on 0300 123 2224 or email [email protected]."

Additionally, voters have the option to cast their votes by post or proxy, with the application deadlines being 5pm on Wednesday, 19 June for postal votes and the same time on 26 June for proxy votes.


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