Revitalising the Amulet Theatre: Community input sought for venue's future

By Laura Linham

28th Jun 2024 | Local News

The Amulet in Shepton Mallet (File photo, Nub News)
The Amulet in Shepton Mallet (File photo, Nub News)

The ambitious project to revitalise the Amulet Theatre in Shepton Mallet is calling on the community to help shape its future.

The Amulet Theatre, a cherished historic venue originally opened as 'The Centre' in 1974 and gifted by the Showering Family, has been a cornerstone of Shepton Mallet's cultural scene. Since transitioning to private ownership in 2011, public access has been limited, but exciting plans are now underway to restore it to its former glory.

To support these efforts, the Architectural Heritage Fund (AHF) has awarded a £10,000 grant for a professional project viability study, ensuring that the restoration plans are both sustainable and commercially viable. Additionally, a further £10,000 from the Community Shares Booster Fund will aid in obtaining expert advice on establishing a community business model, including legal registration and launching a community share issue.

Central to the restoration effort is involving the community in determining the theatre's future use. Organisers have launched a consultation process to gather feedback and ideas from residents, ensuring the project meets local needs and desires.

Vision for the Amulet Theatre

The vision for the Amulet Theatre includes:

  • Immediate Use: Once the building is safe, it will open for limited activities and events, making use of available spaces while fundraising continues for full repairs.
  • Community Hub: The ground floor will feature rooms for various community activities, providing a space for local groups such as the Snowdrop Festival and Make The Sunshine.
  • Quality Performances: A diverse programme of high-quality performances, including theatre, cinema, and live music, will be hosted in the 270-seat auditorium. The theatre will also hold two multi-arts festivals annually.
  • Café/Bar: A small café/bar will operate during performances and community activities, managed to complement rather than compete with existing local businesses.

How to Participate

To ensure the project reflects the community's needs and desires, organisers will be present at Shepton Mallet's Friday Market on the following dates to discuss the plans and collect consultation forms:

  • Friday, 21st June 2024
  • Friday, 28th June 2024

Printed consultation forms are also available at No 10 Market Place, Shepton Mallet, and an online version can be accessed here.

For more details on how to contribute to the Amulet Theatre's revival or to participate in the upcoming events, contact Martin Berkeley at 07966 008778 or via email at [email protected].


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