Entries for the Royal Bath & West of England Society’s Farm Vet of the Future award are now OPEN

By Rosie Breakwell

16th Feb 2024 | Local News

Open to all UK final year vet students and attracting applications from five of the UK vet schools in 2023, the Farm Vet of the Future award encourages those planning on a future in agriculture.

The competition, open to all UK final year vet students, last year attracted a good number of applications from five of the UK vet schools. With only a minority of students entering farm practice, the competition has been set up to encourage those planning on a future in agriculture.

Entering the competition is easy, making use of an existing piece of course work and then applicants succinctly explaining their thoughts on the role of a farm vet of the future.

Entries for the 2024 competition are now open and further details can be found on the Royal Bath and West Society website.

The 1777 year old Royal Bath and West Society, an Agricultural Charity with a remit to award grants and scholarships for the promotion of agriculture and rural crafts, coordinates entries with the competition receiving generous financial support from Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health.

The Farm Vet of the Future award for 2023 went to Nottingham University vet student Heather Hemingway-Arnold. Heather impressed the judges with her Masters dissertation on investigating the use of technology and production data to predict lameness in dairy cows.

Heather demonstrated a good understanding of the data and its interpretation, recognising both opportunity and flaws from its use. She had the presence of mind to present key findings to the judges showing both great insight and self-assurance in her presentation.

Heather showed she has a good grasp on the future role of farm vets; supporting high UK animal welfare, providing training to farmers and practising evidence-based veterinary medicine. She also explained the importance of working within a vet-led team to improve animal health and the efficiency and sustainability of production.

For 2024 the judging panel includes vets with both clinical practice experience and also wider Industry experience. Paddy Gordon is a livestock vet to the Royal Bath and West Show and a Director at Shepton Vets, with interests in dairy health and welfare; whose wider experience includes delivering Government vet services, undergraduate teaching for the University of Bristol and advisory work for Tesco on dairy standards. 

Keith Cutler is a livestock vet to the Royal Bath and West Show, working at Synergy Farm Health, with interests in beef cattle and infectious disease control. He is a past President of BCVA and the technical advisor to CHeCS. 

Emily Craven is a steward to the Royal Bath and West Show, a past winner of the BVA Young Vet of the Year and is an Animal Welfare Committee member. Becca Cavill has past clinical practice experience and is now a technical vet for the sponsors Boeringher Ingelheim.

The winning entrants will be invited to an expenses paid day at the Royal Bath and West Show on 30th May 2024.

The competition offers a really good way to make a CV stand out and then start a career in farm animal practice and entries are encouraged.

With the closing date of Tuesday 2nd April 2024, all shortlisted entrants will then be asked to attend an online meeting and the winner and runner up will be invited to the Royal Bath and West Show on Thursday 30th May.


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