Shepton Mallet Weekly Woo with Atticus Green: Careless mistakes by others can be easily fixed

Last week saw some real contrasting experiences for many I've spoken to. For me personally I had the exciting high of discovering a little more history surrounding the Tarot, and began conversing with one of my Tarot idols, Enrique Enriquez.
His work on the Tarot de Marseille as an optical language is phenomenal and I hope to start incorporating and synthesising some of my ideas with his in the future.
And at the other end of the spectrum, depression and anxiety struck. I spent a frustrating week unable to think or feel or "live". I write this here as a reminder to those that are experiencing these horrid symptoms that there is always hope.
There is an end to it and the world will seem brighter once more. Hang on in there, speak to people around you, and seek advice and help when needed.
To submit your tarot question, free, head over to
There are several places still available on the upcoming beginners Tarot workshop, so if you've ever wanted to learn to read Tarot, this is a great place to start your journey, and after the third week, you'll be reading Tarot with confidence and ease. To find out more head over here: Let's see what this week has in store shall we?
Concentration levels are mixed this week. You may find your focus wandering more than usual as distractions present themselves (those of you with kids on school holidays this is almost a given!).
What you do have though is some higher than usual abilities to react to these situations with more focused intensity, so go with the flow and know you'll be able to get yourself back on track pretty quickly.
Someone may let you down this week, but don't hold on to any disappointment.
Careless mistakes by others can be easily fixed so long as you spend that energy making it right over pointing the finger.
The end result will result in less drama - something we can all live without.
JE has a heartbreaking question to do with a series of tragic events in her world. She asks for any guidance on if she will hold up through this time in her life and if she'll be able to recognise the right paths to take on important matters.
I hope JE that you can instantly recognise yourself and the message within these cards. It's pretty clear straight off the bat that you've got what is needed to get through this time. One of the key words I noted from your question was "strength". Just look at that central card. Strength surrounds this spread, there's no denying it.
If we look to the start, at the King of Swords and Queen of Cups I can see instantly that these are facets of yourself. You ARE a queen of cups - someone caring and creative and full of love who feels things maybe a little more deeply than most. Yet you have a King of Swords energy in you that is rarely used that you're going to need to harness for a while. The King of Swords has been through the emotional ringer and has come out the other end, able to steel himself emotionally. He's able to balance his emotions, and face up to those hard decisions others would recoil at. You ask if you are capable of meeting these needs. King of Swords says you are.
The Lovers is actually the card of choice - a choice between head and heart usually, so it looks like there will be some tough decisions to be made.
We've already seen from King of Swords and Strength that you've got this, but 4 of Swords (which has appeared a lot recently through this last year) indicates a need to stop. The clear message here is that before you can face these decisions and choices, you are going to need to take some time out. We're very good at second guessing ourselves and letting our chattering minds get in the way, so rest up first. Do things YOU enjoy, and then come at those decisions from a slightly clearer head. If there's one card/symbol to take away from this, it's that central card, Strength.
OR has asked if he should finish his last year of apprenticeship or pursue a business idea he's had.
OR, it doesn't take Tarot to answer this question and I think you know the answer yourself don't you? As long as you're not putting yourself or others in danger physically, mentally or financially - you're in your final year - stick with it!
I did pull three cards for you and the 3 of Pentacles came up first. This is the card of team work and as a core keyword, apprenticeship.
8 of Pentacles is telling you to keep your head down and to plug away at it. It looks as if you're pretty good at your chosen profession and that hard work will pay off. Now, the other side of this, relating to your question, is if you want to pursue your business idea what's stopping you from doing so in your spare time? It'll be harder work, but not only will you walk away with a completed apprenticeship, but you'll also know more about if you wanted to take your business idea further.
Ace of Cups indicates a renewed passion. Are you getting a little fed up of your chosen subject - boredom? Perhaps. Completing this course will renew your passion for what you chose, and if you work on your business idea in your spare time there's no reason why you can't have both. Just don't burn any bridges OR.
Submit your question for next week's column here:
Head over to to book your reading. Don't forget to follow me on Facebook to keep up-to-date with all the exciting things coming up:
Have a great week folks!
Very good thoughts,
Atticus Green x
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