Shepton Mallet businesses face imminent plastic ban: Time to adapt is now!

By Laura Linham

15th Aug 2023 | Local News

The new law will include all types of single-use plastic.
The new law will include all types of single-use plastic.

Trading Standards is sending a reminder to businesses in Shepton Mallet, such as takeaways, sandwich bars, care homes and retailers supplying certain single-use plastic items, that a ban is to be enforced this October, and it's time to think about alternative solutions.

The government has announced a ban on various plastic items, taking effect from 1 October 2023, meaning businesses throughout England, including those in Shepton Mallet, cannot supply certain single-use plastic items.

This comprehensive ban will cover single-use plastic cutlery, trays, plates, bowls, balloon sticks, and certain types of polystyrene cups and ready-to-consume food containers. Local retailers, takeaways, food vendors, and the hospitality industry will not be able to provide these products, and the ban will cover both online and in-store sales.

The new law will include all types of single-use plastic, even biodegradable, compostable, recycled or partly made from plastic. Businesses in Shepton Mallet found supplying these items after the ban comes into effect might be fined.

More details on this change can be found in guidance from DEFRA. For any queries specific to your business in Shepton Mallet, contact [email protected].

With England using billions of single-use cutlery and plates annually and only a fraction being recycled, this ban will be crucial in reducing plastic waste and littering. Plastic pollution, a serious environmental concern, takes centuries to degrade, causing significant damage to oceans, rivers, land and contributing to greenhouse gas emissions.

This ban will notably reduce plastic waste in Shepton Mallet and across England, and local businesses are encouraged to seek alternatives like bamboo or wooden cutlery, metal cutlery for in-house guests, reusable plates or bowls, or paper plates.

Rachael Holden, Group Manager Business Support, and Innovation for Heart of the South West Trading Standards Service said: "Businesses should use up existing stock and find alternatives to single-use items. For instance, reusing plates, bowls and cutlery, or sourcing alternative single use items such as wood-based cutlery and paper-based plates."

"It may be that you need to look for alternative suppliers and we advise that you start looking now if you haven't already done so to ensure that your business is prepared when the new rules come into effect."


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