Mendip's troubling surge in liver disease hospitalisations: A cry for quality treatment and prevention

By Laura Linham

16th Aug 2023 | Local News

"We must stop people reaching the stage when they need to attend hospital."
"We must stop people reaching the stage when they need to attend hospital."

A worrying surge in hospital admissions related to liver disease in Mendip highlights the need for quality treatment for alcohol-related conditions, including liver disease.

Figures for the year ending in March 2022 show that 155 hospital admissions were made in Mendip for liver disease, equivalent to 119 admissions per 100,000 people. The rate is lower than the average across England but still signifies a health concern.

According to the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities, the national admission rates rose by 22% in 2021-22, reaching 82,000 from 67,000 in the previous year. Admissions primarily diagnosed as alcoholic liver disease also saw an increase of 12%.

Andrew Misell, a director at the Alcohol Change UK charity, expressed grave concern over these numbers, labelling the rise in alcohol-related health issues as "both a tragedy and crisis." He emphasized the importance of prevention and urged for the introduction of minimum unit pricing on alcohol and restrictions on advertising.

Misell noted, "We must respond with not only treatment but prevention. We must stop people reaching the stage when they need to attend hospital."

Statistics reveal a gender disparity, with men more likely to be hospitalized for liver disease in Mendip. The area recorded 181 admissions per 100,000 men, compared to 66 for women. Across both sexes, the South West saw a hospitalisation rate of 153 for liver disease, with the North East having the highest rate at 190 and the South East the lowest at 127.

Misell provided practical advice for individuals, stating that the most effective way to prevent alcohol-related liver problems is to avoid alcohol. He added, "But if you do drink, then do so within the low-risk guidelines of no more than 14 units a week, which means about six pints of normal strength beer or one and a half bottles of wine per week, and spreading your intake over three days or more with a few alcohol-free days too."

The Department of Health and Social Care acknowledged the issue and assured that efforts are being made to identify diseases early and support those at risk. A spokesperson said, "Identifying disease early in those at-risk and supporting them to stop drinking is key to halt or even reverse damage to the liver."

The government is investing £532 million into drug and alcohol treatment services, focusing on hospitals experiencing the most alcohol-related admissions. The spokesperson hailed the increasing number of people coming forward for alcohol risk assessments as part of the NHS health check as "good news."


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