Local Landlord Raises £1000 for Ukrainian Crisis Fund
A pub quiz has raised £1,000 for the Ukrainian Crisis Fund.
On Good Friday, Mr Williams, landlors of The Travellers Rest Inn on the A37, near Stone, East Pennard hosted a quiz and raffle.
Nine teams competed in the quiz, taking on categories such as geography, a picture round and quick-fire maths – all brilliantly created and delivered by quiz master George Winstone.
At half time Mr Williams provided his homemade take on classic Ukrainian pub snacks, a version of a potato pancake and a turkey sausage with sour cream, both of which were a huge success and have now found their way onto his regular menu.
The atmosphere in this traditional pub was electric with a competitive buzz and good humour, and the generosity of those who took part showed what good can be achieved when communities rally together.
A huge thank you must go to the corporate sponsors, including Candlelight Homecare, John Thorners Butchers, MW Poultry & Farm Shop and the local farming community.
Congratulations go to Barton's Boozy Losers on their 2-point victory and for putting their winnings back into the donation pot.
Please visit www.travellersrestinn.co.uk for menus, bookings and information on more events.
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